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We are thrilled you will be joining us at OnStage Dance Festival! To assist in your planning, we have compiled a list of some of your most frequently asked questions.
We look forward to serving you soon!
Special AwardsRibbons presented by the judges for unique qualities in performers and choreography. Special Awards are given at the judges discretion and are not based on the judges’ marks.
Performance Awards/PlacementsMedals are awarded to the top three scoring routines in each competitive category (Gold, Silver, Bronze).
Cash AwardsThe highest scoring routines in each genre for groups, solos, and duos age 13+ and age 12 & under will receive the Most Outstanding cash award. The second highest scoring routine will receive the Most Promising cash award.
Top Soloist AwardWhile it is important to recognize achievement for individual performances, OnStage also acknowledges those dancers who excel in multiple disciplines. A Top Soloist Award will be presented to the Most Outstanding All-Round dancer age 13+ and age 12 & under recognizing the highest average solo score. The Most Promising All-Round dancer award is presented to the dancer age 13+ & age 12 & under with the second highest average solo score. Students who have 2 or more Solos are automatically entered for this award.
Choreography AwardA choreography award is a awarded in each genre to the choreographer of a routine of the judges choice. This award has no cash value.
Star Devoiler Dance OffStudios are to inform OnStage Dance Festival by January 31St , 2024 via email ( which two dances they would like to submit for the Star Dévoiler, 12≤ and 13-18. Recreational and Competitive entries will be commingled, choose your performance that will wow the adjudicators. Productions, Advanced/Teacher Groups, Solo/Duets/Trios are ineligible to participate, large and small groups only. This means no dancers or group numbers with a dancer 19 or over as of December 31, 2023 are able to participate. Once submitted NO changes are permitted. The Star Dévoiler will take place on Sunday. Adjudicators and other competitors will have no prior knowledge which songs/dances have been entered. The adjudicators will be instructed to choose the winning routine(s) based on “the wow factor” and their own judgement. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. NO EXCEPTIONS – January 31, 2024 11:59pm. Separate Admissions tickets are required except those who have purchased a weekend pass.
Most Improved Studio AwardThe average mark of each studios previous season scores compared against the average of each studios scores at the current competition will be tabulated to determine the most improved studio. The most improved studio will receive a $1000 cash award.
ScholarshipsScholarships to workshops will be handed out to dancers at the end of the competition and are awarded based on the judges choice.
Twinkle Toes AwardTwinkle Toes Award is given to adjudicators choice of dancer under 6.
Sparkle AwardsSparkle Awards are given to any entry regardless of mark based on adjudicators choice.

Register for 2024!
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